5 Secrets of Successful Online Physiotherapy CPD
By Dr Susie Coughlan, Managing Director of CPD Solutions Ltd
1. Make the Most of Your Online CPD Options
Learning online will save you both time and money. Online CPD generally allows you to complete your physiotherapy learning whenever and wherever you like. This means you can devote short or long periods to learning- whatever suits you best. You can also make good use of dead time, such as when you’re waiting (again!) for your kids to finish activities, or perhaps when you have an empty slot in your afternoon list.
So you’re saving time as you fit blocks of learning into your life wherever you like, rather than taking whole days out to attend Congresses and courses (plus the additional travel time and possibly overnight accommodation).
2. Look for Free Online Learning
You may already be a Silver Member of our Physiotherapy Webinar Club, which gives you quality free CPD webinars in areas essential for practice.
That's just one example. If you do a Google search for ‘Free Physiotherapy CPD’, you’ll come up with lots of other options for getting complementary learning. Of course you need to check out who is providing the free CPD – there will be a reason and this could affect what is provided – is there a slant or a bias to the information? Facebook is another great place to look for free CPD.
With a bit of effort you could complete most of your required CPD each year with free online options. The only downside is that it will probably take you more time – first in locating sufficient free CPD, then in recording what you’ve done and what you learned from each free presentation, and correlating it for your CPD records. If you prefer a more ‘done for you’, structured approach, you might get more from a relevant paid online membership in your area of interest, such as our Physiotherapy Webinar Club.
3. Look for Easy Tracking to Help with Your CPD Records
When you’re choosing an online learning membership or site, check whether it has a tracking mechanism that's easy to use. Will you be able to see what you’ve done easily (just in case you forget!). Or will you need to print out multiple certificates, and then find them when you need to complete your CPD records?
A good tracking system will save you a lot of time and decrease your stress levels, although you should always download your CPD records perhaps once a month so that you have a backup record. Physiotherapy Webinar Club from CPD Solutions lets you track your learning effortlessly.
4. Unlimited Access
All online CPD is not equal! Some platforms limit you to watching a presentation once, or within a certain time frame of less than a week after you have registered. One of the major advantages of online learning is that you are in control- you decide when and where you prefer to learn. So limited access is not going to be helpful. Things will crop up in your life and you'll sometimes need to reschedule the learning you were planning to do. So choose a format like Physiotherapy Webinar Club, where you have unlimited access to all of your learning while you are a member, and make the most of your time.
5. Get the Best Rates for your Physiotherapy CPD
This one is going to save you, or your practice, money.
Use Practice Rates
Online memberships often have practice rates. Ours certainly does. Practice rates are generally considerably less per person when you are signing up several people to the same membership. This can make the practice CPD budget stretch further which has to be a good thing for everyone.
Look out for Special Offers
Make sure you’re on the email list of your preferred CPD providers. Then you’ll get notification of the offers that they run through the year and you can take advantage of the best rates. Online courses (ours included) often have Early Bird rates where you can save on your course fee if you register before a certain date.
Ask if there is a discount
When you’re booking several courses or a combination of CPD memberships, ask if there are any discounts that you can use. Depending on what you are registering for and what your spend is, you may be able to get a discounted rate. I hope that these practical tips prove helpful for you in your quest to spend less time and money on your Physiotherapy CPD. Physiotherapy Webinar Club provides you with a fully flexible way of spending less on your CPD and making the most of your time.