The Role of the Physiotherapist in Sport

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Category: Club Recordings
Published on: 07.11.2023


David Fevre
Chartered Physiotherapist

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About The Webinar

As a physiotherapist working in sport, you have a duty of care to yourself as a professional, the player-injured or not, the medical team you work within or lead and your employer, the club. It is therefore essential you have the appropriate qualifications, knowledge, and experience to deal with any injury scenario, which may be life threatening in some cases, before agreeing to stand on the touchline and carry the medical bag in a competitive match at whatever level. Your physiotherapy/sports therapy degree provides you with little information for what to expect in the match scenario and it is essential you gain the correct knowledge and practical skills to work within the medical team in an acute injury situation.
A positive result at the end of the game for the medical team is no injuries and hopefully a win out on the pitch. At least if an injury does occur has it been correctly managed acutely? The next stage is to put a plan in place for the future management to promote recovery. This process is often an uphill battle to overcome the many variables that may exist or develop before being able to return to sport……….and could the injury have been prevented before it occurred and what are the chances of the injury re-occurring ?
Even though the lecturer, David Fevre has worked in professional sport for over 25 years, new scenarios constantly occur, and it needs an immediate response to solve the issues that develop. Problem solving on the go is key to everything when working as a Chartered Physiotherapist in Sport.

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